


Triple A Weekly Newsletter

Courses & Workshops

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Resource Centre

Interaction for Leadership

Primary Health Care



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Primary Health Care)

Njala College, Sierra Leone - A structured course of Primary Health Care materials for teachers

We are also building a similar course for the Ngara  region of North West Tanzania. The materials will be used by trainee teachers at the Diocese Training College and by teachers working in the region.

This course will offer teachers in both the primary and secondary sectors notes on ways of assisting their students to recognize the symptoms of and corrective actions for a range of illnesses and diseases. They will also provide suggestions for ways in which young people can assist sufferers. 

 Empowering the young - introduction to the basic philosophy of the materials
 malaria in sierra leone
 leprosy remains a problem a brief analysis     


Njala – Six week course for Advanced Primary Teachers in Primary Health Care


Click on the subject under the week title to get the information you want!


Week 1

sierra leone teachers in primary health care education

(a) Basic introduction to:

·        PHC via education – use Power Point Presentation (already provided)

·        Peer and community education – health maps, body maps and calendars


(b) Introduction to major diseases to be covered

·        Water borne

·        Others

·        Reactions and life style improvements


Week 2


Water Borne diseases (A)

·        Malaria

·        Bilharzia

·        Clean safe water

·        Guinea Worm



Water borne (B)

·        River Blindness

·        Denge

·        Others


Week 3



·        Vitamin A deficiency part 1 part 2

·        HIV/Aids

·        Diabetes

·        Leprosy

·        Others


Week 4


Caring for the young of the community


·        Worms

·        Diarrhoea

·        Measles

·        Coughs, colds and pneumonia

·        Looking after your eyes

            ·        Looking after our teeth

Week 5


Helping those in community stay healthy or suffer less from a disease


·        Growing vegetables 

·        Healthy food  how do we know if they are eating enough 

·        Using resources e.g. school farms

·        Teenage girls have special food needs

            .        Is there malnutrition in your community

            .        Immunisation

Week 6


Concluding the content and discussing teaching styles



           .         Lesson plans 

           .         Schemes of work 

           .         Involving colleagues 


Caring for children
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